Sunday, April 4, 2010

For Working to Put an End to Priest Pedo...

For Working to Put an End to Priest Pedophilia, Gary Bergeron Merits the BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award
By BuzzFlash
Created 04/04/2010 - 4:17pm



Don't call Gary Bergeron a victim; te sees himself as a survivor, a survivor of sexual child abuse at the hands of a religious figure: in this case a priest.

His father and brother were similarly violated in the Boston Archdiocese, as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church devoted more time to protecting the priests who abused than the victims.

These past two weeks, new revelations of past massive child abuse at the hands of priests has emerged, most notably in the U.S., Ireland, Germany, Italy and elsewhere. If these felony acts by priests were a disease, the abuse of children while under the care and “moral credibility” of the Church would be an epidemic.

Individual Catholics bear no blame in this monstrous sexual abuse of their children; but the church leadership – who covered up and prolonged sexual abuse – is to blame. There is no assurance that it is still not currently going on.

These past Holy Days leading up to the Resurrection of Christ during Easter were ironically filled with a mean-spirited Vatican public relations offensive to defend the Pope – who let much pedophilia go unpunished and unstopped when he headed the Church's clerical investigation office. At some point, those of the Catholic faith will have to choose between defending the leadership of the Vatican that has condoned child abuse and mollycoddled priests or choose to play Russian Roulette with whether or not their children will be sexually abused in the future.

BuzzFlash spoke to Gary Bergeron, who became known as one of the more fearless spokespersons for the many children who had been abused at the hands of some of the Boston Catholic clergy as the then Cardinal Law tried to dismiss their calls for an investigation. Bergeron told BuzzFlash that he is not looking for retribution nor does he harbor vindictiveness; he wants a solemn promise from Pope Benedict, with details, on how child sexual abuse will be prevented in the Church in the future. To this date, he has heard no such vow.

Bergeron wants the Catholic Church to live up to its Godly ideal, not to become a fraternity that protects its deviants at the expense of the trauma caused to children. He is still disappointedly waiting.

But he still maintains hope that God's emissary in the Catholic faith will finally do what is God's will and protect the children, not the perpetrators of sexual abuse.

For his singular patience, determination, and caring for the children of tomorrow, Gary Bergeron merits the BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award.


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